Digital declaration of consent - kissSign
Digital Signature Tattoo & Piercing
paperless and legally compliant
The digital signature Tattoo & Piercing makes it possible: Simply fill out and sign digital declarations of consent on the tablet, legally compliant and GDPR-compliant, and automatic filing by customer and projects / appointments!
Our contribution to the environment! Try it out with our free trial month!
So cool - forms via your tablets
You click on an appointment in kisscal, then on a printer, select any form and send it to a tablet in your studio. The customer can then read through and fill it out, complete their customer details if necessary (address, date of birth), sign it and receive it automatically by email.
And to make it really convenient, the form is stored fully automatically for the customer and project. In addition, kisscal creates a summary of the medical history (e.g. “Allergies: Latex”), saves it in your customer data and displays it in the appointment.
All you need - Comprehensive standard forms
You will receive kisscal including all the necessary standard forms for tattooing and piercing with anamnesis, risk disclosure, declaration of consent, consent, sample color lists (REACH) and appointment documentation.
The forms are comprehensive, legally checked and have been tried and tested over many years. They are also available in 5 languages (de, en, es, fr, it).
You can customize all forms according to your own needs and, of course, create your own. Our integrated online translation helps you to make these customizations available in all required languages.
Keep safe - legally compliant digital signature
The use of digital signatures has been regulated in the European eIDAS standard since 2016. For a signature to be considered legally secure, i.e. verifiable by an expert, it must meet the requirements of an advanced electronic signature.
kissSign fulfills these requirements by storing not only the image of the signature, but also its biometric data (speed, pen angle/rotation, pressure intensity). This means that you are no longer dependent on the personal assessment of a judge, but can request an expert opinion in the event of a dispute.
Of course, documents and signatures are notarially encrypted and stored in our cloud in a change-proof manner.
Save Time - Soon also via the customer portal
A purely digital risk assessment and medical history is not legally permissible (at least in Germany) and, in our view, does not make sense. Questions such as “Have you understood everything or should we explain something else?” or “Have you taken any medication today?” should always be asked in person before the appointment.
Nevertheless, you can save a lot of time if the customer can read through and answer the risk information and medical history at home. Therefore, your kissSign forms are already prepared for the customer to answer (e.g. on their cell phone). The integration into your customer portal (link) will follow shortly…
1 month free trial - no automatic renewal
- 20,- € per month
- Any number of documents
- Any number of signing pads
- Only in conjunction with kisscal
Trial month free of charge
- Test together with Kisscal test subscription free of charge
- Full functionality
- Non-binding, as there is no automatic extension
Monthly cancelable
- Termination possible without giving reasons
- At any time at the end of the current kisscal subscription month
- E-mail is sufficient
Any questions? - FAQs
In addition to the signature image, the biometric data of the signature is also scanned and stored. A court-appointed and sworn expert from the MSU Institute confirmed in an expert opinion that these signatures are suitable for signature comparison and are therefore in no way inferior to a handwritten signature on paper.
Such electronic signatures with biometric data even have the advantage over signatures on paper that they can be automatically analyzed using suitable software. They also contain significantly more information than can be obtained from a paper signature (contact pressure and pen angle every 5 milliseconds).
The signature is embedded in the document in encrypted form (see below). In addition, the documents are “signed” and provided with an equally encrypted hash value. Subsequent changes to the document can thus be reliably identified.
The signatures are asymmetrically encrypted using a hybrid key and embedded in the documents (PDF). The asymmetric key consists of two keys: a public key for encryption (which cannot be used for decryption!) and a private key for decryption. The private key is held by the notary and is not even known to us.
This means that ultimately only the notary has access to the biometric data of your signatures, but only if one of your documents is made available to him via a court request.
No, not yet. For two reasons:
- As a rule, the forms should document, among other things, advice and information about risks and side effects. You are required to do this and should therefore be present, ideally at your studio.
- To ensure the required quality of electronic signatures, the signature must be made on a suitable device and with a suitable pen (not with a finger).
We have therefore designed kisssign so that you send the forms to one of your devices stored in kisscal and fill them out together with the customer. This way, you also have control over whether everything is filled out completely and correctly.
Don’t worry, your data stays your data! If you cancel your kisscal or kisssign subscription with us, simply send us a short request with your cancellation. We will then make your documents available to you as a zip file.
Of course, all data in kisssignis also transmitted between your browser and our servers in encrypted form – just like online banking. Your documents are stored together with your other data in our data center, are backed up daily and are protected from unauthorized access. Each studio has its own data area with us – separate from other studios.