Customer consultation, making appointments, anamnesis, EVE – all with the tablet

Everything with the tablet

We have a nice, comfortable couch in our studio for our customer consultations. During consultation appointments, I offer our customers a seat on it and sit down next to them. I listen to what they want, show them the artist’s work that matches their tattoo request, work with them to find a suitable appointment, take photos of the area to be tattooed, put them together with the customer’s artwork for the appointment, take a medical history, get the appointment deposit paid, create a written appointment agreement at the touch of a button, get it signed and send it to the customer. And all this without even having to get up from the sofa.

All I need is a tablet. Our website is open in the browser with all the artist galleries, Google for any image searches, our email program for the studio and the Facebook Business Suite for Messenger, Insta-Direct and WhatsApp. And of course our studio management system kisscal also runs on it.

I can offer the customer:

  • directly show works by our artists,
  • Pick out templates for him
  • or have them sent to me,
  • find and create a free appointment for him,
  • record its customer data for this purpose,
  • take the medical history and save it for the customer,
  • (because I and the artist want to know about any possible health risks).
  • open our EVE and information on risks and side effects at the tap of a finger,
  • Store template images for the appointment
  • or take photos directly,
  • send a PayPal link for the term deposit,
  • post the incoming payment directly,
  • and have the appointment agreement (and EVE) signed directly with all the data.

Everything on the tablet, everything paperless and everything filed automatically. When I get up from the sofa with the customer, there’s nothing more to do and I can get straight on to the next customer.

Knowing how it works

If you don’t want to deal with paperwork either, simply reply to this infoletter and we’ll show you how.

Your contact - to us!

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