After the last 15 months, we thought we’d just like to hear some good news. That’s how the idea for our new infoletter series “Things that are simply awesome…” came about. We want to share practical things from our work in the studio that make life easier, nicer and better. And if you have any great ideas, tips and tricks, please let us know.
Know who is calling and why
One thing I really appreciate about store management at the moment is that I can tell who is calling and why with just a few clicks of the phone number.
For example, for missed calls before I call back, for incoming WhatsApps without a sender or even if I have someone on the line whose name I didn’t understand (which is usually the case).
Simply type the number from the display into the customer search and I can see who is calling. I can see all the appointments, both upcoming ones and those from the past, with which artist, for which tattoos, see the template images or whether the deposit is still missing…
And when I then address the customer directly by name, talk about her planned appointment at Alba and even remember her anchor from 5 years ago at Alex’s, people are completely blown away every time.
And that’s just fun!
Knowing how it works
Would you like that too? Then simply reply to this infoletter and we’ll show you how.