Vouchers: Customers recruit customers

The best advertising is still word of mouth, they say. In other words, when your customers recommend you to others. But it gets even better: if your customers are so impressed by you that they give their friends a tattoo/piercing from you in the form of a voucher.

Vouchers therefore combine several interesting marketing instruments:

  • Customer recruits customer
    Giving gift vouchers has an even stronger effect than a mere recommendation. This is because the giver is already paying for the service of which they are convinced.
  • Customer loyalty
    By giving away the voucher, you have a clear advantage over all other competitors when it comes to the recipient. The customer is therefore already loyal to you even before they have visited you.
  • Teaser for more (repeat sales)
    The following applies to tattoos at least: vouchers do not usually cover the full price of the desired tattoo. What’s more, over 50% of customers are repeat customers.

In addition, tattoo and piercing vouchers are still something special and not just any voucher. You should take the following things into account:

  • Voucher design
    Your vouchers should look good and make a connection to you right from the first impression (CI/CD: color, logo, lettering, slogan, …). A complete package is always a nice idea:
    Vouchers: Customers recruit customers - kisscal.tattoo
    Example kindly provided by Ela Berger Tattoo (FL)
  • Availability
    It is more annoying when you make the effort to come by to buy a voucher and then no one is there (closed) or no one is available (counter not manned). Online vouchers are certainly a good addition here. They can also be bought conveniently from home and even at the last minute. (integrated in kisscal, of course)
  • Terms and conditions
    You should clearly indicate any conditions when selling your vouchers: How long are they valid for? Will they be paid out on request or not? (see our carefree package contracts)

Extra income

You can easily sell vouchers worth around €5,000 per workplace/artist per year. We recommend that you build up reserves for the vouchers that are not redeemed, i.e. keep the money in your studio account.

In addition, experience shows that around 10-15% of vouchers are not redeemed, which represents a nice additional income.

Tax & Law

Since 2019, tattoo artists and piercers have had to treat vouchers as single-value vouchers for which VAT is already due on sale (see our info letter “Vouchers and advance payments without VAT”). Previously, vouchers were only subject to VAT when they were redeemed.

If you draw up a balance sheet for your studio, the reserves can be deducted from the income so that the income tax is only actually incurred when the vouchers are redeemed.

Vouchers are generally valid for 3 years from the end of the year of issue. You can of course specify a longer validity period for your vouchers. A shorter validity period is only possible for promotional vouchers. After the 3 years, the vouchers may have to be removed from your balance sheet.

Promotional vouchers

Promotional vouchers are a special feature, which are issued at a discount, e.g. in competitions or as part of promotions. But more on this another time.

Vouchers: Customers recruit customers - kisscal.tattoo

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